The Worth: The Common Cold, the Monarchy and Piers Morgan

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“Her Majesty versus Piers Morgan”

In this round of The Worth we asked how much of their personal money respondents would contribute to cure the common cold, remove the British monarchy or place Piers Morgan on a solitary island forever. The proportion of respondents who would not offer any money indicates how widely the issue affects the public. 75% of respondents would contribute to the curing of the common cold, while only 25% would offer money to remove the monarchy. Though this issue received the fewest contributions, those who would give their money are more passionate and would offer a higher amount. The 25% who would contribute offer on average £664, while the more widely affecting issue of curing the common cold is on average given £110 from contributors. Unfortunately for Piers Morgan, almost twice as many people would pay for him to be moved to a solitary island forever than would pay to remove the monarchy (42%), but they would give less than half the amount of money (£302). Looks like it’s a tie for Her Majesty and Piers this time…

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