Companies make thousands of choices every day. To make better decisions, they need accurate insights, disseminated to the right people. But how does one of the UK’s largest and most complex companies achieve this?
BT Group is the UK’s largest telecoms provider, with three successful consumer brands, over 30 million customers and annual revenues of more than £23bn. Its scale is both its strength and greatest challenge.
To make bigger and better decisions, BT must resolve conflicting opinions and foster strong alignment around the chosen strategy. To realise this ambition, Dectech and BT Insight worked in partnership to standardise pricing insight across every level of the organisation.
This ground-breaking work has shifted insight from single-use research to long-lasting tools, given BT Insight a central role in high-stakes strategic decisions and continues to drive key decisions across teams and brands.
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Research Challenges
When tasked to re-think pricing insight, we faced three main challenges:
BT’s pricing insight was built on data from many sources and held by specialists across the organisation. While the variety of resources allowed for rich data, the complexity and fragmentation meant insight was not always driving decisions. We needed to synthesise insight into a common language and simple story, to clearly guide pricing conversations.
BT had been working towards making insight more widely available using portals to share insights. However, the wide variety of users with very different needs meant that traditional insight slide decks were too inflexible. We needed to meet decision-makers where they were and in real-time, with intuitive and dynamic insight in different formats.
Pricing decisions often relied on one-off research, which answered a specific question at one point in time but whose relevance quickly expired. We wanted to develop long-lasting tools that would sustainably impact a larger and wider number of decisions and establish BT Insight as foundational to decision-making processes.
This case study describes how those challenges were successfully addressed and the organisational and commercial impact.