Interactive Simulator Case Study

Insight Sharing

The pricing model was built into an interactive simulator, able to forecast the impact of pricing and portfolio changes by BT Group brands and competitors, in both the mobile and broadband markets. The cloud-based simulator has a simple and intuitive front-end to graphically explore the impact of pricing scenarios, plus the ability to download detailed quantitative forecasts. This approach ensured a secure and scalable way to disseminate pricing insights across BT.

In order to ensure the synthesised insights would drive strategic decisions, Dectech and BT Insight worked together to align insights with decision-maker needs and resources. The team focused on three critical aspects when sharing them:

A single metric

Historically, different parts of BT Group used different metrics of business success. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) integrates all the customer and financial inputs into a single measure of the long-term impact of pricing decisions on EBITDA and, ultimately, BT Group’s share price.

A single point of view

The simulator brings all the disparate sources of intelligence into one place, where the insights can be interrogated for any purpose. The tool enables users to see in real time the overall impact on BT Group but also to drill down to each brand, product and customer group allowing users to be met in real time, with the level of detail that they need.

A single narrative

Because quantitative insights alone cannot motivate an organisation to change direction, we used the simulator forecasts to create clear and concise commercial recommendations. These were given to executive teams making pricing decisions and shared across the organisation by the BT-Dectech team as story-driven resources and workshops to create engagement, and continued ad-hoc advice.

Simulator Demo

Interact with our example model and see the insights come alive. Try changing the parameters in this example and see how the forecast for the customer base and revenue changes.


Click here to open the simulator in a new tab.

If you want to find out more about our simulators, you can get in touch here.